Safety & Well-being
Being known and being seen are a big part of being safe and well. That’s why we encourage every prospective family to meet us at a Camper Party, take a tour, come for an Open House, or join us for a Family Weekend. We want to start getting to know each other before the summer. At the very least, we’ll speak with you on the phone before camp.
We go above and beyond to ensure all new campers feel welcomed and included amongst our returners. Here are a few things we do to make them feel at home.
Christine Baskin
Camp Owner and Director
We host a PHUN! ice cream social on the first day of camp and it’s just for new campers and the camp leadership. One-on-one time is a powerful way to connect. Children want to be known as individuals, and they need to feel comfortable approaching the camp leadership when they have questions.
Meanwhile, returning campers sit down with their counselors and talk about what it’s like to be the new kid in unfamiliar circumstances so they understand what the new campers might be feeling. Empathy is a powerful agent of change!
Before any campers arrive we have one to two weeks of staff training. During this time we focus on welcoming new campers, how to encourage healthy relationships, how to work through conflict, as well as the importance of checking in with campers on a regular basis to see how they are doing.
At the end of the summer we ask new campers, “Did you feel welcome?” 99.99% of CBS campers say “Yes!”
American Camping Association (ACA) Accreditation
Camp Balcones Springs is an American Camp Association accredited camp. We undergo a rigorous, multi-day 300 point inspection, to ensure that the camp meets ACA standards.
We attend annual ACA conferences to ensure we are up-to-date with the latest industry best-practices and standards, as well as soaking up new ideas and methods from our fellow camping institutions.
Medical Care
We have two registered nurses on site at all times. Our camp doctor is always on call and makes visits several times a week. In the event of an emergency, a hospital is located just 25 minutes away. You will be notified if your child needs outside medical attention.
Camp physicians and nurses dispense medications daily during mealtimes and before bedtime. Medication, both prescription and over-the-counter, must be checked in with the nurse at the time of registration. Our nurses and your child’s counselors will help to see your camper is receiving their medication at the proper times.
Our chefs are able to provide safe and tasty alternatives for all campers, including but not limited to gluten-free needs, vegan and vegetarian diets, peanut and nut allergies, and lesser-known restrictions like allergies to red-dye. We have a gluten and nut free station in our Dining Hall, complete with gluten-free toasters and implements.
We keep Epi-pens in stock and all counselors are trained to use them during First Aid training.
If you have any questions concerning camper medical care, food sensitivities, or if you are interested in physician or nursing opportunities at Camp Balcones Springs, please contact our .
Staff Training
The most important safety procedure at camp is staff training. We have a 4-1 Camper to Counselor ratio, and that means there are lots of trained eyes, and ears, keeping watch over your child. Here are a few of the topics we cover in staff training.

- Christian Commitment
- Emergency Action Plans
- Sexual Harassment
- Rainy Day Programming
- Staff Expectations
- How to be a Great Coach

- Night Activities
- Tricks of the Trade
- PowWows
- How to Ask for Help
- Pranks and Raids
- Being a Leader

- Missing Home
- Parent Communication
- Camper Interaction
- Basic First-Aid
- Safety
- Crisis Management
Every counselor and staff member is interviewed twice, references are checked, and we run criminal background checks before each summer.
- All waterfront staff are certified as American Red Cross Lifeguards.
- All boat drivers have their Texas Boater Education Certificate.
- All ropes course staff are Level 1 Practitioner Certified by Rope Works, Inc.
- All outdoors staff receive a Camp Riflery Level 1 Marksmanship Certification
Each year, we think it can’t be better than last year – but it is!! Robert has gone on and on about his cabin, his incredible counselors and how it was the best year yet. It is astonishing to me how, each year, CBS finds such fine, young men to serve as counselors! How and where do you find them? Robert has been blessed to have these experiences – and we treasure the fact that you have helped put those people and experiences in his life. We are forever thankful.
Margaret L.
Camp Parent
A Wholesome, Welcoming Environment
More than anything, we want to make sure that our staff is actively creating a wholesome environment where everyone feels welcome and knows they are safe.
As a coed camp, we have structured our program, organized our daily schedule, and planned our facilities, so boys and girls have the right amount of time together, while also having time apart.