Balcones Blog

All of the lastest news from camp during the summer and beyond.

Term 4: The Fourth Time’s a Charm!

Term 4 at Camp Balcones Springs has kicked off with a ton of PHUN! On Sunday night, we began camp with our classic camp tradition – team initiation – where old campers put on their red, green, purple, or blue to welcome new faces to Camp Balcones Springs onto one of four camp teams, the Texas Rangers, Rough Riders, Silver Spurs, or Lone Stars. Boys and girls will compete in various games and events over the course of the term with their teams, all leading up to the camp-wide Amazing Race competition on the final day of camp (more on... Read more.

Term 3: See Ya Later!

We wrapped up the last few days of Term 3 with a series of ceremonial and traditional events all CBS campers look forward to every summer. First came Cabin Hangout Night, where each set of cabin counselors creates a unique experience specifically for their cabin. Campers spend dedicated time together with their fellow bunkmates and counselors on one of the last night’s of the term, solidifying their friendships and reflecting on the wonderful memories they have made together over the past few weeks. Then, after an exhilarating day of Team Competition for the Amazing Race, all of camp joined together... Read more.

Term 3: Lights, Camera, Action: CBS Music Video Awards!

Today we will be talking about the Music Video Awards, one of the most unique and celebrated traditions for kids at Camp Balcones Springs! Every summer, during Term 3 (our three-week session) only, we celebrate the CBS Music Video Awards, or MVAs. During the three weeks of summer camp, boys and girls work with their cabin mates and counselors to develop an idea for a music video they will script, direct, and film to be edited by our outstanding camp media team. Campers work with their cabinmates and counselors to choose a song, develop a concept and narrative structure, write... Read more.

Term 3: Camp’s Got Talent, Mission Impossible…2, & The Wizard of Oz

What makes Term 3, the lone three-week session at Camp Balcones Springs, so special are the unique events that occupy the added week of time that third term provides. One of these events is the CBS Talent Show. This year, Dan Kent stole the show with an incredible Frank Sinatra solo. The evening also featured two magic shows, a lip sync battle between the Senior Camper girls and the Senior Camper boys, a beautiful piano performance, and our first ever telepathy talent from camper Cruz! The last event of the evening was a duo comedy act between two of our... Read more.

Term 3: Night Team Competition & Mission Impossible!

Saturday night at Camp Balcones Springs was a night to remember! After a full Camp Gameday during which campers competed against each other on their camp teams, including a thrilling flag football game between the Senior Camper girls (Lone Stars versus Silver Spurs), we capped off the day with a night-time basketball game between the Senior Camper boys. The game was fast-paced, filled with full-court pressing, off-ball screens, and even some reach-in fouls, only due to the high effort at play, of course. Counselors ran a concession stand during the game for the observing campers, offering grape and cherry snow... Read more.