Transportation, Opening & Closing Days
Regardless of how your child comes to camp for Opening Day, we expect parents to personally pick up their child up on Closing Day. The closing ceremony is a very meaningful time for families and we don’t want you to miss out!
Opening Day Transportation
We can hardly wait! The time that we have been planning and preparing for all year long has finally arrived!
Car & Carpool
Our gates open promptly at 3:00 pm.
- 3:00-4:00pm Boys check-in*
- 4:00-5:00pm Girls check-in*
- 5:00pm Parents depart
*Times may vary.

Closing Day Schedule
Terms 1, 2, 3 & 4
Gates open promptly at 9:15am.
- 9:30-10:00am Sign out your camper and pick up trunk, duffle, laundry bag, camper packet, and medications
- 10:00am Formal Flag Ceremony on the Soccer Field — please wait on the parent’s side of the field until it is announced to greet your camper
- 10:15am Girls eat brunch in the Pavillion, boys go to the Rio for the Term Video
- 11:00am Boys eat brunch in the Pavillion, girls go to the Rio for the Term Video
Terms 1A, 2A, 3A, & 4A
Gates open promptly at 2:00pm.
- 2:00pm Sign out your camper and pick up trunk, duffle, laundry bag, camper packet, and medications
- 2:15pm Closing Ceremony
- 2:45pm Departure
You’ll have an opportunity to visit the Camp Store before you leave. Don’t forget to get your free t-shirt after you sign up for next summer! Sadly, you are not allowed to visit camper cabins because the full term will still be in session.