Staff Mission

We aim to be a relational ministry above all else, providing campers with mentors who display Christian values in their lives while we act as the staging ground for friendships and mentorships that will last a lifetime.

Our counselors are expected to engage in a relational ministry, getting to genuinely know campers and showing them love and grace through the leadership and support they provide throughout the term.

In addition to our focus on relationships, counselors lead PowWows in their cabins each day. PowWows are short age-appropriate discussions about a pertinent life-lesson. Lessons are frequently illustrated with real-world examples, Bible stories, and well-known tales.

Your life and actions are what every camper will want to emulate. More important than activities or programming, your daily example is the backbone of our mission as a summer camp.

How We Support Our Staff

The spiritual growth and health of our staff is equally important to that of our campers. We want you to grow and mature, relationally and spiritually. Through your daily roles as a mentor, teacher, and friend, you will become a better leader, become more responsible, and better prepared for the life ahead of you.

We provide several programs and resources to nurture you throughout the summer. You give a lot every day and we recognize the need for intentional self care.

  • Discipleship Groups — Stop. Be still. Listen. Take time to process your personal camp experience, think about the big picture, and look towards your future.
  • Mentoring — Create a personal development plan for the summer. Meet with a senior staff member in a weekly one-on-one as you strive towards your goals.
  • Time Off — Rest. Recharge. Take 24 hours to unplug from camp. Enjoy a meal out. Explore Austin. Grab a friend and have an adventure.