Senior Campers

Campers who have completed the 9th grade.

The Senior Camper program is a transitional year intended to prepare campers for the final year of their CBS camper experience. Senior Campers get the best of both worlds, as their schedule combines traditional camper activity offerings with special programming and increased independence.

Senior Campers choose 3 major activities, while their 4th activity period is reserved for specialized classes like Top Golf, Yacht Building, Escape Room, and Fear Factor. In addition to their activities, Senior Campers also take on new responsibilities including sorting and delivering camper mail and running the Oasis snack shack!

Senior Perks

  • First-choice for Major activities
  • Senior Cabin Area with lake view, fire pit, and pavilion
  • Later lights out

Senior Camper year is many campers’ favorite year, as they get to enjoy the traditional perks of camp while also becoming acquainted with more privileges, independence, and responsibility.

Senior Campers

Summer after 9th grade.
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Work Crew

Summer after 10th grade.
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