Friday, June 25th

Friday, June 25th, started with Fratboy Friday, a new theme day created by Blanton Cabin in the spirit of our famous Tutu Tuesday. Blanton campers donned backwards hats and struck funny poses reminiscent of college jocks.

In our ceramics major, girl campers created beads that they will be able to use to make jewelry. The campers designed, molded, and then fired their beads in the camp kiln!

In our Ropes activity, boy campers climbed the pamper pole, our tallest structure. After ascending metal rungs attached to a tall wooden pole (all while harnessed in of course), campers try to stand on the top of the pole and jump out to catch a suspended trapeze bar in front of them. Some campers aren’t able to muster the courage to jump from the pole. For those who do, grabbing and holding onto the trapeze presents a difficult challenge – one must time it perfectly! Today, two of the boys were able to catch the trapeze!

Laughs and smiles were had later in the day as staff member JP helped campers learn how to make new friends with an “advice” booth.

In the evening, Girls Camp enjoyed Women’s Cookout at the beach. Campers participated in our annual CBS Chili Cook-Off in which cabins prepare a unique chili recipe to be judged by our staff. This year, Jordan cabin added skittles, Dr. Pepper, and cumin to create the winning recipe. After the Cook-Off, all of Girls Camp enjoyed S’mores as the sun set.