Rockin' Out at Balcones City Limits!

Monday started off like no other with the Senior Camper Purge! F Compound campers dressed up and attacked camp activities with water balloons and squirt guns for a little unexpected fun.

Later that day, our high school programs took part in the Camp Balcones Springs Junior Broadcast Program. The Work Crew campers were taught how to create a 30-second commercial, learning and practicing the importance of inflection when speaking.

Meanwhile, the LTs were given a crash course in public speaking and debating. Campers finished up a six-hour public speaking course with a judged debate. The LTs argued passionately with each other about topics they valued. Age-old debates, like summer versus winter, were brought to the table (as you may guess, we have a bias on this particular question). The LTs were coached on the techniques they could use to sway the judges and on the value of a concise and well-articulated message.

Tuesday evening, we hosted Camp Balcones Springs’ very own music festival – Balcones City Limits (named for the pride and joy of our nearby Austin – Austin City Limits).

Not only did we have hair-braiding, tie-dye, flower crowns, and snowcones with funky toppings, like wedding cake and whipped cream, but we were also treated to an array of fantastic live performances!

CBS flew in former camper, counselor, and D Compound Head, Jillie Kerwin, from Nashville, where she has begun her singing career. At CBS, Jillie was welcomed by cheering campers. She signed autographs, treated us to her beautiful singing voice, and promised to come back next summer.

Another band – Grouchy Like Reilly – played camp favorites like “Love Story,” “Dancing in the Moonlight,” and “Amarillo By Morning.”

That night, we began preparing flowers, vases, and prizes for the biggest event of the term – the CBS Music Video Awards!