Term 1: Team Competition Day, The Ted 10,000, & Week 2 Beginnings!

On Saturday, we began a new tradition at camp, beginning the day with the Senior Camper Girls Flag Football game in the morning. All of camp gathered for breakfast outside in the Grid Iron. While the girls were warming up, campers partook in a Slip & Slide & Dunk Tank, and the Work Crew hosted a tailgate, cooking bacon on the grill. The girls had a pre-game Gatorade race to decide who would get the ball first (the Spurs won). At halftime, we had a mini game for a pazookie (a chocolate chip cookie with ice cream). The Stars won 12-7 after a game winning touchdown in the last minute and a half.

That evening, the Senior Camper boys competed in a thrilling basketball game at the Hippodrome!

On Sunday, our annual Ted 10,000 events took place at Balcones Beach. These swim and relay events are annual camp traditions, held every term, and consist of three swim races of various lengths: the Ted 10,000, 5,000 and 2,000. The day also includes a Phun Run road race and a Splash ‘N Dash swim/run relay event. Girls and boys of all ages and cabins are permitted to enter, and the entire event is monitored by lifeguards and coaches to ensure camper safety throughout. After the races conclude, all campers enjoy ice cream sundaes together on Balcones Beach as the sun sets.

Some highlights from the events include:

Phun Run 1st Place: Christian Cook 2nd Place: John Bowman 3rd Place: Marshall Nink

Ted 10,000 1st Place: Barrett Tater 2nd Place: Harper Glass 3rd Place: Kate Grmolijez

Ted 5,000 1st Place: Jack Muir 2nd Place: Gavin Dallmer 3rd Place: Jude Snyder

Ted 2,000 1st Place: Claire Detrick 2nd Place: Jade Simon 3rd Place: Braxton McDonald

Splash ‘N Dash 1st Place: Jaime Bastida 2nd Place: Chase Shook 3rd Place: Audrey Huddleston

Our Work Crew campers, boys and girls entering the 12th grade, had their “off day” on Sunday, venturing to swim in nearby Krause Springs! Afterwards, the hard-working campers got a sweet treat at Sonic on the way back to camp.

Our Work Crew teens serve camp during the week by working in the camp kitchen, helping prepare and clean up from meals. Every Sunday of camp, they are given the day “off” from their typical duties and get to go on a special trip to have fun and relax away from camp.

Finally, Camp Balcones Springs is pleased to announce the nuptials of Leo and Lettie, our two junior additions to the pup crew at Camp. Leo, an English Cocker Spaniel, and Lettie, a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, celebrated their marriage at our Camp Baseline on June 9, 2024, in the company of their beloved camp family at The Amphitheater. Ladybird Cabin, the flower girls, kicked off the ceremony by sprinkling the aisle with gorgeous fresh flowers. Bedichek cabin sported bow ties to match Leo, the groom. Lettie, the bride, glided down the aisle to “Pachelbel’s Canon” sporting a gorgeous tulle veil adorned with wildflowers. Executive Director Jose Avila presided over the ceremony, opening it up with these words: “Just as we humans cherish love and companionship, so do our canine companions. They remind us daily of the simple pleasures of life: a wagging tail, a playful bark, and the comfort of a warm, furry presence.” Leo and Lettie exchanged silver sticks to represent their commitment to one another, and gave one another a slobbery smooch. The crowd cheered with joy in celebration of the beloved couple!