Balcones Blog

All of the lastest news from camp during the summer and beyond.

Term 3: Happy Fourth!

Welcome Term 3 Campers! We’ve had quite the exciting start to our third session at Camp Balcones Springs, beginning with our fantastic Fourth of July celebrations! Read more.

Term 2: Nights in San Miguel!

On Wednesday, Work Crew prepared for our Nights in San Miguel theme night by getting crafty. They showcased their creativity by crafting stunning flower crowns using a mix of carnations and wildflowers. We are immensely grateful for their hard work and dedication, and they truly deserved this enjoyable activity. Other activites on Wednesday include: slip n slide, Lake Ted, Tubing, and riflery! So! Many! Activites! Read more.

Mission Impossible, Etiquette Class, & More!

The week’s activities started off welcoming Health Coach Megan Brown to speak with our 16 and 17-year-old girls to give tips on hydration and nutrition as they prep for college. Read more.

Women's/Men's Dinner, Night Team Comp, & More!

On Friday night, we celebrated “Man’s Dinner” at boys camp. Everyone gathered for a great meal of sausage, ribs, wings, and rolls. Naturally, there wasn’t a shirt or utensil in sight, which naturally led to a classic food fight! Camp-wide capture the flag was next, and the Texas Rangers won the best of three series! The night concluded with a movie and ice cream sundae buffet. Read more.

Term 2 - LET'S GO!

Term 2 has kicked off with a whole lotta PHUN! On Sunday night, we began camp with our classic camp tradition – team initiation – where old campers put on their red, green, purple, or blue to welcome rookies into the CBS fold as Texas Rangers, Rough Riders, Silver Spurs, or Texas Rangers. Read more.